Give your rune a name

What factions will your rune be?

What rarity are you going for?

What type did you have in mind?

Add flavor text to your rune

Add an image to your rune

What stats should your champion have?

Attack Speed Min rng Max rng Defense Hitpoints

Fill in the remaining information

Deck limit Races Classes Size Creator

What abilities should your champ have?

Set Ability name Icon name Icon Short description Ap Sort CD Cost

Describe what your spell does

Fill in the remaining information

Nora Cost Deck limit Creator

Describe what your relic does

Fill in the remaining information

Nora Cost Deck limit Size Defense Hitpoints Creator

Describe what your equipment does

Fill in the remaining information

Nora Cost Deck limit Creator
faction front
faction icon left

faction icon right


This is not a valid link for a rune image
faction back
faction icon left
faction icon right

Deck limit:



